Statement on human rights


Jihad Bitar, CEO Siren Analytics

1 Apr 2024

Human rights sticker on Electric pole
Human rights sticker on Electric pole

At Siren we are committed to developing an organisational culture which respects internationally recognised human rights and seeks to avoid complicity in human rights abuses. We support the principles contained within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Charter of the United Nations, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the ILO Core Conventions on Labour Standards. Siren’s commitment is set out in a wide range of policies and supporting operating procedures, its procurement manual and processes and our Code of Conduct.

We seek to improve our human rights performance by referencing and integrating into our way of working internationally recognised standards and principles, while continuing to be involved in multilateral efforts to support human rights. As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, we believe in continually challenging ourselves and refining our corporate and moral responsibility to ensure that we play as meaningful a role as possible in respecting and promoting human rights, both within our own operations and in our relationships with partners and communities.

We seek to identify, assess, mitigate and manage any adverse human rights impact within our areas of operation and/or stemming from our products, services or business relationships, with the following policy aims:

  1. Staff: We respect and protect the human rights of our staff members, including but not limited to non-discrimination, gender equality, protection from sexual exploitation and abuse, and prohibition of child and forced labour.

  2. Suppliers and contractors: We carefully evaluate and select our suppliers and contractors, and request compliance with our policies, values, and principles, to ensure - as far as is practicable - that no human rights abuses, including sexual exploitation and abuse, child labour, modern slavery or people trafficking, take place in our supply chain.

  3. Local communities: We respect the cultures, customs and values of the countries and communities in which we operate. Within the scope of our capabilities, we promote the fulfilment of human rights in local communities by improving economic, environmental, and social conditions and by seeking to serve as a positive influence where we operate. We encourage partnership and open dialogue with stakeholders and participate in and promote community engagement activities. Where we must take measures regarding security, these are consistent with international standards of good practice and the laws of the countries in which we operate, always ensuring that any negative impact on people is minimised and proportionate to the threat(s) or risk(s) identified.

  4. Society: We participate where appropriate in public affairs in a non-partisan and responsible way to promote internationally recognised principles of human rights. We seek to play a positive role in building capacity for the realisation of human rights in the countries where we work. We also strive to uphold the highest standards in business ethics and integrity and, where appropriate, support the efforts of national and international authorities to establish and sustain these standards.

To ensure responsiveness to risks as well as perceived or real cases of human rights abuses, Siren has put in place a confidential channel of communication and encourages staff as well as external stakeholders to submit any suspicion, feedback, complaint or grievance regarding potential wrongdoing committed as a result of Siren's operations, whether concerning themselves or others.

Siren will support anyone who, in good faith, raises concerns about potential cases of human rights breaches. Whistle-blowers / complainants and survivors/victims will be treated with dignity and respect and complete confidentiality and privacy will be ensured.